VISIONAIR-05 (Miki Yui + Rolf Julius: small sounds meet small music)

Last April 16, 2005, at Carlo Fossati‘s flat, in the presence of a few friends, Miki Yui and Rolf Julius performed together for the second time (they initiated their collaboration in the context of “Suite in Parochial”, in September 2004 at Singuhr, Berlin), and for a bit less than one hour they combined and mixed together her small sounds with his small music.
The ‘small concert’ has been carefully recorded, as well as filmed and photographed, and a cd documenting (and somehow recreating) it is now in the making. Its publication is expected to take place before the end of the year.
This was VISIONAIR-05’s first event; two others, one by Arnold Dreyblatt and one by Paolo Inverni will follow (both dates are yet to be defined).

Miki Yui
Rolf Julius
16 4 05
blank, via Reggio 27, Torino
Realization curated by: 
Carlo Fossati for e/static
With the support of: 
Regione Piemonte
