Paolo Piscitelli: Paolo Piscitelli

The exhibition this young Turin-based artist presents at e/static is the second and conclusive chapter of a research he started at the time of his solo show at The Flying Cow Project, Bruxelles, in 1998, on the relationship between drawing and space – where the latter is explored and lived through that medium.

«If I say that Paolo Piscitelli carries on a work of research, I define it literally. (Re)searching derives from Latin word ‘circa’, “around”, which comes from ‘circus’ in turn, “circus, circle, circumference”. The gesture Paolo repeats on the white sheet – that is blank on the face of it, but extended, and made into an oppositional element by its right-angled fold – is mainly circular with the largest opening brought about by his arm extension and the distance between his body and the sheet. It seems to me that Piscitelli doesn’t go really beyond that gesture nor he does want to represent something non-existent or absent there, as the visible trace of his movement of research and determination (to determine is “to set some limits, borders”. Thus he acts around himself, and the right-angled sheet materializes an invisible opposition that is a stimulus and a support to his gesture of research». (C. F.)

The exhibition will open on Thursday April 13, 2000, starting from 5.30 pm. Afterwards, on Monday May 8 at 6.30 pm, there will be the presentation of “Seconda intenzione [Second Intention]”, a report, compiled by the artist with the collaboration of Maria Teresa Roberto, Paolo Boselli and Carlo Fossati, on the path of this research, as it developed from Bruxelles to Torino, between 1998 and this year. In that occasion it will also be possible to verify the real evolution of the works displayed: as a matter of fact the exhibition should be considered as a moment of development and growth, therefore open to change, applying modalities that connect the artist (his being alive and his working time) with the expositive space’s static and dynamic features.

Paolo Piscitelli
13 4 00 - 19 5 00
e/static, via Parma 31, Torino
Realization curated by: 
Carlo Fossati for e/static
